How Many Words Should Be Contained In An Article To Be Considered As A Good One?
When you start to write an article for your blog, you must be wondering of how much words it takes to be a good one. Although there is no specific research done to analyze this, some information that I have found on internet shows me that a considered good article should contains at least more than 400 (four hundred) words in it.In a webmaster's forum I recently visited has brought out various amount of words that needed based on each personal opinion, starting from 500 (five hundred) to 900 (nine hundred) words as they say. But most of them agreed that an article should be not less than 400 words or else it won't be containing sufficient words needed to be at least an enjoyable writing to read.
Well, if you want your blog to be search engine-friendly, you must notice this rules and apply it so that your writings can be a good reference for the visitor who is looking for some information on the internet.
For me myself, I'll take the suggestion which says my article should be containing not less than 400 words each, and I will strictly apply these rule every time I start to write a new one. Basically if I don't want my content to be looking good for some search engine out there, I will write minimum 500 syllable on it. That's an ultimate border, never less than that and 600 words is at the high end of what my readers are going to make time for. I don't want my article not approved because the content were not précised.
So the conclusion of my own research on the internet is every article written in blogs, sites, or anywhere else should has the range of 500-600 words contained in it to be considered as a good one. That is the ideal range that will make your blog gives a better reading experience for it's visitors.
After you wrote your whole column, take a short time to do a simple spelling and grammar check using free online spell checker available on the web. For example using JSpell, an online spell checker for public and it's totally free to use. I included the link so it saves your time rather than opening a new tab to search for it.
Checking the spelling and grammar in your article is also important, so it's not just only about the amount of words contained. A badly written paragraph is not doing any good for your blog, as your visitor may leave your site immediately. Mistakes such as miss-typo also bad for search engine because you will loose some important keyword indexed by their spiders.
Doing this things might seems to be a little time-wasting, but trust me, it's worth it. When you expecting visitors to come back again next time or even better: giving you a back-link, make sure you gave them a good experience while reading your blog. So I am highly recommending for you using this useful tips on your blogging method.
Just remember this three simple guide for your blogging way:
- Original content
- Effective writing
- High quality blog
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