Saturday, May 31, 2014

Blogging Tips: Finding Best Topic To Write For Your Article

What Kind of Topic is Best For You to Write as An Article?

When it come to choosing on what kind of topic should you write about, maybe you'll need to read this article first.

Sometimes you get stuck on getting more ideas for you blog, and your fingers are stand by on the computer's keyboard but you still don't know what to write. Well, I've been experiencing that too.

First of all, we should see what really are people mostly want to search about on the internet. Just imagine if it was you, what kind of information do you want to read when you are opening a Google Search tab?

What people commonly want to read on the internet basically about these things:
  • Finance
  • Clothes
  • Food (Culinary)
  • Property
  • Automotive
  • Technology (either gadget or computer stuff)
  • etc.
It's always a better idea to focusing you blog into one specific themes or topic which you are mostly interested in. Studying first about the topic you will write is good, knowing that your online audience will come with high criticism and some of them have higher knowledge than you are.

After choosing your main topic for the blog, you might want to do some simple research for the sub-topic which can be listed to article development in your site. For example, if you choose the Technology topic, you should consider to write about some sub-topic such as Computer, Smart-phone, Operating System, and other category which is hot topic around the world recently.

For computer sub-topic, you can choose to write about newest processor released, latest hard drive technology, or maybe some Video Card's driver update. And for Smart-phone sub-topic, you can write a short review about the latest gadget available on the market such as Apple's iPhone 5s or Samsung Galaxy 5. And surely, for Operating System sub-topic, you can write about the most wanted Operating System developed by Google, Android OS. With it's success dominating the use of mobile device's Operating System in the world, it's hundred million users must be hungry of information about it. You also might want to write about some big companies in technology such as Google, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, or some social media companies. Writing some article about Samsung may be a good choice because the Korean giant is aggressively boosting it's reputation now and able to match the famous Apple product. There are millions of Samsung users, and they are your definite audience to be worth targeted. To help you writing your new post on blogger, you can use search engine like Google, and just type what you want to write, you will see tons of reference and material to be choose on.

Well, that's just my own opinion, based on this low-knowledge mind. But I'm sure that there is only two kind of blogger:
  1. Self-interest Oriented
  2. Audience Oriented
If you are the first kind blogger, you can write anything you like and interested to, and you don't need to worry about who will read your blog. But if you are the second kind of blogger, you should consider of what your audience want to read, not your interest only. By doing this, your blog will drag more visitor from the search engine because of it's relevancy with common interest of most people.

At last, I beg your pardon for my bad English, I'm not so fluent on writing or speaking English, but I really hope you get my point. :D

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